Saturday, October 27, 2012

Two perfect coats...

Some people don't know it, but there are more kinds of polishes than just pretty coloured ones. The most important ones are the base and top coat! 

In this blog post I'll show you which ones I use, and what they are good for. 

If you care about your nails, and you want them to be healthy and beautiful, this is the 'normal' way of polishing your nails.

- Clean your nails with some polish remover, make sure there isn't any dirt, nail polish, or oily stuff on them.
- Apply one layer of base coat.
- Apply thin layers of your coloured polish until it's opaque. 
- Apply a top coat when your polish is still a little wet.

As a base coat I use Rimmel's Stronger base coat. It strengthens your nails a bit, and it keeps your coloured polishes from colouring your actual nail. Note: it looks pink, but it's just a very light shimmer when you apply it on your nail.

Example: you don't have/wear a base coat and you polish your nail with that one perfect bright blue polish. After a few days, you take it off, and the first thing you see is a faded blue colour on your nail... That's not very pretty, right? A simple base coat prevents that.

As a top coat, I use Rimmel's Super Wear top coat. A top coat prevents your nail polish from chipping very quickly, and it makes your nail polish extra shiny. 

Example: You're going somewhere for a few days, and you will be very busy, so you don't have time to do your nails. However, you want your nails to look pretty, so before you leave, you polish them again, with your favourite blue polish. After day one your polish starts to chip, the second day there are big chunks missing, and on the third day your nails are as naked as a snail without his shell. 

If you apply a top coat when your polish still is a little bit wet, your polish will last longer (this bottle says up to 10 days), and it will shine beautifully. Some polishes make your polish dry faster, so that's perfect if you're in a hurry and you don't want those nasty bumps on your nail polish. 

I've used quite a few bottles of each of these polishes, but I'll make an other post about some other base and top coats I've used. These are just my favourites at the moment. :)

Which base and/or top coat do you use? (If you use them, of course...)
I hope you liked this blog post and 'till next time :D! 


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