Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Cuticle Evolution

In some older posts of mine, you may have seen my bad, not too pretty, and dry cuticles. Since I make lots of nail pictures, I decided they should look nice and healthy. That's why I started to take care of them, since I didn't really do that to be honest... Let's see what I do to make them look healthy! 

The picture below is a good example of my dry cuticles. It doesn't look very pretty... and I'm aware of that.

I've been moisturising them for a while now, and I have several solutions to heal them..

My mum had some of Oriflame's Tender Care Protecting Balm lying around. I read the package and it said you could use it for anything. The name says it: it takes care and is tender for your skin. I decided to try it on my cuticles, and yes. It worked. Hurray! Now I carry it with me all the time, in my bag. :)

Then there's Bio-Oil. It's known to be an effective, multifunctional oil, and I've been using it for a while to moisturise my face and random dry spots on my body. Sometimes I don't have my bag with the Oriflame balm near me (like in the bathroom), so then I use the Bio-Oil (which we keep in the bathroom). It's quite effective, too :D! 

There's one more thing. Don't. Cut. Them. Off. (with a nail clipper or whatever) I did this sometimes, because some parts were very dry or annoying or whatever the reason was. This isn't good for your skin and your nails!

So since I've been using this, don't be surprised when you see pictures of my nails with shiny fingers, that's just because I don't have time to wait for it to dry before I take a picture. 

As you can see, my cuticles have gotten a lot better :D! 

Do you take care of your cuticles? Or are they nice and healthy without your help?



  1. Cuticles! I've spent soooo much money on products, i have a routine which i'm comfortable with now, but they still have their teenage tantrums from time to time. This weekend i start my series of cuticle product reviews, i own alot so its going to be a long series! Yours look great now, was interesting to see how you got yours looking so good x x x

    1. Oh I'd love to read those! I actually didn't spent any money, since these were products my mum never used...
      Thanks :D
